Outstanding Acoustics for an Outstanding Academy

Delamere Primary Gets The Sonata Treatment

Sonata Aurio class A acoustic absorption panels

Sound Reduction Systems Ltd (SRS) have recently supplied Sonata Aurio Class A acoustic Panels to control reverberation within the newly built multi-purpose hall and classrooms at Delamere Primary Academy in Cheshire.

On receiving a request for a free site visit from the Head Stephen Docking, SRS Director Richard Sherwood MIOA visited the Academy the next day to carry out a detailed site survey and discuss the most appropriate, and most practical, specification.

Using the information collected during the survey of the school acoustics, calculations suggested that 70m2 of Sonata Aurio panels within the hall would reduce the mid-frequency reverberation time (Tmf) to 1.0s – well within the performance target set out within Building Bulletin 93 (Acoustic Design of Schools).  Within each of the classrooms the calculations showed that the required area of absorption was 6m2. A variety of panel sizes were required, both within the hall and classrooms, to work around wall and ceiling obstructions.  As with all projects of this kind that SRS are involved with, a detailed panel layout was produced and approved prior to any work commencing on site.

Working closely with the main contractor for the build, Anwyl Construction, installation of the Class A Sonata Aurio absorbers was carried out by SRS’s expert fitting team and took just over two days to complete.  The installation was completed on schedule, and to the school’s satisfaction, just in time for the Academy open day.

When asked for his feedback on the improvement that the Sonata Aurio acoustic panels had given, Headteacher Stephen Docking commented:

“Fantastic, we did the hall opening today and it worked like a dream!

We were delighted to be awarded £1.5million in funding to develop the facilities at our Academy. During the course of the project we worked with Richard and his team to develop a great solution to the acoustics within our hall. The quality of the work was great and also he worked to an incredibly tight timescale to accommodate us."

If your school has a reverberation problem SRS can help with free, professional advice.  We have a wealth of experience of solving noise problems using our mineral-fibre free range of Sonata acoustic absorbers.  Why not fill in our 3-Step Acoustic Estimator form here: https://www.soundreduction.co.uk/about-us/news/srs-launch-3-step-acoustic-absorption-estimator/ We can usually get back to the customer the same day with an idea of costs.   Alternatively, if you would like to speak to one of our friendly acousticians please give us a call on 01204 380074 or send us an email at info@soundreduction.co.uk and we’ll get right back to you.

SRS 3 Step Estimator

For a free specification and quote for your reverberant room please fill in our online form