SRS Solve Acoustic Problem at Marshfield Village Hall

Sonata Vario acoustic treatment

Sonata Vario acoustic panels

When the committee members of Marshfield Village Hall in Cardiff decided that they could no longer live with the poor acoustics of their hall, they contacted acoustic specialists, Sound Reduction Systems (SRS), for help.

Marshfield Village Hall is a wonderful facility set in the heart of the small village of Marshfield, just outside of Cardiff. Opened in 1978, it provides the local community with an essential resource for many different groups and activities from Bingo and Brownies to Yoga and Pilates classes. However, the poor acoustics of the hall was creating problems for all that used it.

Committee member Simon Evans contacted SRS and filled in their ‘Acoustic Estimator’ form with a few simple details of the hall. This allowed the technical department at SRS to acoustically model the space using their software, and accurately predict how much absorption would be required to solve the problem. SRS Director, Alex Docherty, commented:

“It was clear from the information and photographs that Simon supplied that there was a problem with the hall, and the software confirmed this. The large, open space coupled with many harsh, acoustically reflective surfaces, was generating reverberation times that were far too high for a hall of this nature.”

After the initial report and quotation was produced, a member of the SRS Technical team travelled to site to measure up accurately so that a layout and colour scheme could be agreed with the client. The products specified included Sonata Vario suspended absorbers for the ceiling treatment, along with some directly bonded Sonata Aurio panels for the walls. These decorative, fabric wrapped panels offer high performance Class A absorption and look fabulous once installed. Hall representative Simon Evans commented:

“We were very happy with the professional service provided by SRS Ltd, from the initial report through to the installation. The Sonata panels have made a big improvement to the acoustics of the hall and look fantastic - initial feedback has been extremely positive. “

SRS are experts in all areas of sound absorption and sound insulation. If you have any acoustic problem at all, please get in touch with their industry leading technical team for free, professional advice – Tel: 01204 380074 email: or visit the website

SRS 3 Step Estimator

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