Kensington Baptist Church Hall

Sonata Aurio Absorbers Solve Reverberation Problem

Sonata Aurio Kensington Baptist Church

Acoustic experts Sound Reduction Systems Ltd (SRS) have recently supplied and installed their high performance Sonata Aurio acoustic absorbers to solve a reverberation problem within Kensington Baptist Church Hall in Brecon, South Wales.

Like many community and church halls almost all of the surface finishes within Kensington Baptist Church hall were highly acoustically reflective leading to excessive reverberation and activity noise when the hall was being used. With the Christmas celebrations coming up, and a hall with poor acoustics, something had to be done and that is when SRS were approached for assistance. Using information submitted using our 3-Step-Acoustic-Estimator and photographs kindly sent to us by Godfrey Harris, a member of Kensington Baptist Church, we were able to calculate the exact area of Sonata Aurio panels that were required to make a good subjectively noticeable improvement in the acoustics of the hall.

Technical Director Richard Sherwood MIOA commented:

"The photographs that Godfrey submitted were especially useful and enabled us to discuss the most practical and cost-effective solution to the reverberation problem. Although the Sonata Aurio panels are available in a wide variety of fabric colours, the white panels selected fitted in superbly with the neutral decoration of the hall."

Just over 29m2 of Sonata Aurio panels were bonded to the ceiling and at high level on the walls. The installation was completed by our expert installer in one day.

Peter Wells, Joint Secretary of Kensington Baptist Church, commented:

"SRS were most helpful and informative during the planning stage, responding quickly and constructively to our concerns. The installer was careful and courteous to other users of the building at the time. With over 50 people in the Hall, all chatting over refreshments, conversations can now be heard easily, whereas before it was very difficult to hear what was being said. Speakers and music will now be heard clearly – a great improvement. We are delighted with both the appearance and performance of the installation, and the new acoustics will benefit the many church and community groups that use our Hall."

If you would like some advice on how to treat your reverberation problem then why not get in touch? All advice offered is from qualified acousticians and is free of charge with no obligation.

SRS 3 Step Estimator

For a free specification and quote for your reverberant room please fill in our online form