Llanfynydd and Ffrith Community Centre, North Wales

Improved Acoustics using Sonata Aurio acoustic panels

Llanfynydd and Ffrith Community Centre, North Wales

Sonata Aurio Installed in Llanfynydd and Ffrith Community Centre

SRS have recently supplied and installed their Class A rated Sonata Aurio and Memo sound absorption products within Llanfynydd and Ffrith Community Centre to reduce problems with excessive reverberation.

The acoustic treatment consisted of 14no 1200x800x50mm and 14no 1200x1200x50mm Sonata Aurio Panels on the ceiling and 2no 1200x1200x50mm Sonata Memo acoustic noticeboards on the walls.

The feedback received from users of the hall speaks for itself:

"We can now have a conversation that includes everyone at the table, not just one-to-one. Well done!"

"Brilliant - thank you"

"One word - excellent. It's opened up a whole new world for me"

"Much better"

"No echo today - much better - thanks"

"It's amazing - well done"

"Unbelievable - incredible difference. Well worth the cost"

"We can hear one another all around the table!! They also look good - very unobtrusive - good"

"A definite improvement - even with hearing aids in"

"Excellent - much easier to hear each other"

"As a person with a hearing aid it is very much better"

"Amazing difference for the better. No need to lip read anymore! Thanks!"

"Wonderful to be able to hear someone speaking on the other side of the table. It means everyone feels part of conversations"

If you have a noisy community hall that is affecting the experiences of the various groups that use the space, please contact Sound Reduction Systems Ltd for a free, no obligation report about soundproofing and sound absorption. You can fill in the form with the details of your hall online here or, alternatively, give us a call on 01204 380074 or email info@soundreduction.co.uk with your enquiry - we'll be happy to help.

SRS 3 Step Estimator

For a free specification and quote for your reverberant room please fill in our online form

Get in touch via our online form, live chat or by phone

Our professional, Institute of Acoustics registered technical department is on hand to give advice on all of our high performance acoustic products.  We're delighted to offer advice on any noise problem, be it a sound insulation or sound absorption issue.

* Please note that all calls are recorded for training and quality control purposes. If it is not possible to answer your call, please leave a message and your contact details on the answer phone, and an advisor will get in touch as soon as possible.

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