Acoustic Problem Solved at Brigsteer Village Hall.

Sonata Vario acoustic treatment

Sonata Vario Panels solve reverberation problem within Brigsteer Hall

Sound Reduction Systems Ltd (SRS) were recently contacted by a member of Helsington and Brigsteer Village Hall’s board to see if they could help solve their acoustic problem.

The newly built, modern hall sits in the beautiful village of Brigsteer in Cumbria and provides local residents with a fantastic resource for community events. However, as with many village halls, the rooms were large, open and contained mainly acoustically reflective surfaces. This was causing an excessive level of echo and reverberation, and was affecting the activities taking place within the hall.

SRS Director, Alex Docherty, was invited to visit site to take detailed measurements that could then be used to provide the committee with a report on the hall, along with proposed solutions, costings and design layouts. After visiting site, Alex commented:

“The hall was clearly a beautiful space for the community to use, but this was being compromised by the poor acoustics. Our in-house acoustic modelling software predicted a very high reverberation time and certainly showed that an acoustic treatment was required.”

Alex recommended the use of the Sonata Vario acoustic absorbers suspended from the ceiling and fitted at high level on the walls to provide a high performance and visually pleasing solution. The Sonata Vario panels are able to be removed and replaced easily for any future decoration or maintenance work.

There were two areas of concern, a smaller meeting room and the main hall. Alex provided individual specifications for each room and suggested that the smaller room was treated initially so that the committee could see exactly how the Sonata Vario acoustic absorbers performed before committing to the larger space. The first install was a success and the go ahead for the main hall was given.

After the installation had been completed by SRS Ltd.’s specialist fitter, Committee member Richard Griffiths commented:

“I’d just like to say how pleased the board is with the Sonata panels. They really do what you said they would do. Could you also convey our thanks to the fitter for a superb job and especially for the extra work he did in clearing the girders!”

SRS are experts in all areas of sound absorption and sound insulation including soundproofing for walls. If you have any acoustic problem at all, please get in touch with their industry leading technical team for free, professional advice – Tel: 01204 380074 email: or visit the website

SRS 3 Step Estimator

For a free specification and quote for your reverberant room please fill in our online form